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Defined as loss of pregnancy before 20 weeks or fetus less than 500 grams

- If the pregnancy hormone levels are closely monitored after the first day of a missing menstruatin, a significant proportion ( approximately 40%) of all pregnancies will result in miscarriage.  Most of the women  do not realise that they were pregnant  after a few days of  menstrual delay. On ultrasonography, we see the gestational sac about a week after the menstrual delay. 20% of the women with confirmed gestational sac will abort the pregnancy afterwards. The abortion rate drops to 5% after we see the fetal heart beat.

- Chromosomal abnormalities are responsible for two thirds of the abortions that occurred in the first 3 months (12th gestational week). Most of these are the result of bad coincidences that belong to specific pregnancy. Rarely, chromosomal abnormalities in the mother or father may cause recurrent miscarriage. In addition; congenital or acquired abnormalities of uterus, infections during pregnancy, teratogenic  medication, radiation and chronic diseases of the mother may also cause miscarriage.

- During the second trimester (between 13 and 26 weeks of gestation), the cervical weakness (weakness / insufficiency) should be considered if miscarriage  occurs without pain. If the diagnosis is in this direction, circular stitching of the cervix (CERCLAJ)  after the 11-14 Week screening can be helpful in the next pregnancy.

- If there is bleeding in the early pregnancy period and the cervix is ​​closed, it is called  Threatened Abortion. Although there is an increased risk, most of these cases do not result in miscarriage. The effect of bed rest or medication (mostly progesterone) on the outcome is controversial. In order not to trigger contractions of the uterus, it may be appropriate to avoid sexual intercourse during this period.


- There is no scientifically proven relationship between maternal  habits and misscarriage. However, there is scientific data  that a diet rich in caffeine, smoking and alcohol consumption increases the risk of miscarriage


- Three consecutive losses before 35 years of age and two after 35 years  is called Recurrent Abortion. In spite of advanced investigations, We can not identify a source of abortion in  nearly half of the cases . Searching for congenital anomalies  of  the uterus, chromosomal analysis of the couple, infection screening, blood glucose and  thyroid screening seem appropriate .

Cervical Insufficiecy is inability of cervix to stay strong against increasing weight and pressure of growing fetus. It may be congenital or acquired, mostly due to surgical interventions such as conization, LEEP or cryotherapy. If it is the cause of recurrent pregnancy loss stitching of cervix after 12 weeks of pregnancy might help to deliver the fetus at a viable gestational age. 

- Although it is common worldwide to screen for a thrombophilia(tendency of blood to clot), the relationship between the Thrombophilia and recurrent abortion is controversial. Thrombophilia screening is not recommended routinely apart from the following situations;  patients with history of Thromboembolism( obliteration of veins) and with a strong family history for thrombophilia. If thrombophilia is revealed as a  recurrent abortion cause, medication to inhibit coagulation like heparin might be helpful. 

- In carrier chromosomal disorders, it is necessary to transfer the healthy embryos obtained with IVF and PGD.

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