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Most pregnant women experience nausea and / or vomiting during early pregnancy. It usually begins in early pregnancy, reaches the highest level during 8-11 weeks and most of the time disappears around  14th week

• As nausea and vomiting are mostly seen in the embryogenesis period of the fetus, one theory suggests that it is an evolutionary process to protect the fetus  from harmful microorganisms and toxins by maternal ingestion.

• Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) is defined as severe vomiting and weight loss (more than 5% of weight before pregnancy). In these patients we may face with  significant loss of fluid, deterioration of acid-base balance in blood and severe mineral and vitamin deficiencies. 1% of the pregnant women are hospitalized and receive supportive treatment.

• The physiological infrastructure in HG is not fully known. Biological, psychological and sociocultural factors are thought to be in a complex interaction.

• It is observed more frequently in young pregnant women on their first pregnancy.

General Precautions:

o No need to wait for normal meal time. Eat whenever you feel hungry

o Few and frequent feeding

o Drink liquid some time later than eating solid food

o Stay away from excessive spicy and bitter food

o Before bedtime and in the morning when you wake up, consume food containing carbohydrates such as a slice of bread or galete


If these measures do not provide a clear benefit, there may be a variety of medical and vitamin supplements that can be used. There are studies reporting the positive effect of ginger tablets. The initiation of multivitamin before pregnancy may also have an effect on reducing nausea and vomiting.

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