An Ectopic Pregnancy occurs when the embryo implants to a location other than endometrial cavity.
The most important cause of maternal deaths in the first three months. The reason for this is the intra-abdominal hemorrhage due to the rupture of the structure, mostly fallopian tube, within which gestational sac grows.
It may affects the woman's subsequent fertility potential.
In the last 40 years, it has reached to 1.5-2% with an increase of 4-6 times.
The main risk factor are:
o Following Pelvic Inflammatory diseases (PID)
o Previous history of ectopic pregnancy
o Previous Surgery in the pelvis ( Especially Fallopian tubes and ovaries)
o Assisted Reproductive techniques
o Advanced maternal age
o Intrauterine Device (IUD) Use
o Smoking -
It is most commonly seen in 98-99% Fallopian tubes. Rarely can be seen in the ovary, abdomen cavity and cervix.
Menstrual delay, abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding, low blood pressure due to intraabdominal bleeding and fainting are the most common findings.
Diagnosis is confirmed with menstrual history, pelvic examination, ultrasonography and hormone analysis.
Treatment of ectopic pregnancy is decided on the following factors;
- Clinical stiuation of the patient, especially signs of intraabdominal bleeding
- Serum levels of Pregnancy hormone beta-hCG
- Ultrasonography findins such as size and location of the gestational sac -------------
- Clinical treatment of the patient, the extent of pregnancy and the treatment of medication based on pregnancy hormone values or surgical treatment can be chosen. Surgical laparoscopic removal of the tube and control of bleeding or complete removal of the tube may be. -
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please share the possibility of pregnancy with your doctor. One of the most important reasons for incomplete diagnosis is the fact that the patient denies the possibility of pregnancy and cancels the pregnancy test.